My favorite Peloton instructor, Robin Arzon, posted on her Instagram account about failing at a task she had been visualizing and training for and how she was striving to find the faith within the failure (see her IG post here).
That really struck me because for as long as I can remember, an "F" always equated to failure: grades, losing a game, not measuring up, etc. And sometimes, it really is that simple: the other team outscored you and you lost; you missed more questions on a test than you answered correctly. These are very concrete examples of how sometimes, failing is failing.
But what struck me, is how sometimes failing is NOT failing. You try something new and it doesn't go your way, did you fail? Maybe in the simplistic meaning of the word, but didn't you also learn something? Thomas Edison really hit the nail on the head when he said he didn't fail, he found thousands of ways to not make a lightbulb. That is really powerful when you stop and think about it!
Sometimes we base our self-worth on how quickly we can master a new skill or achieve a goal, and if we don't measure up in the time allotted, we failed. Instead of giving ourselves an "F" as in failure, maybe we give ourselves an "F' as in fortitude; we just continue to practice and learn.
Give yourself the opportunity to redefine your "F" into Faith in yourself, Fortitude in your drive, and Fearlessness in pursuit of your dreams/hobbies.
How do you define your "F"?
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